Tuesday, April 21, 2020

How to Locate a Professional Resume Writing Service

How to Locate a Professional Resume Writing ServiceA professional resume-writing service is one of the most important and indispensable in today's world. In order to achieve success and improve your career in a more rewarding way, you must employ the services of such resume-writing services.If you want to get a career break in the field of business, you must send an excellent resume to the admissions committees of business schools. This will be a major and permanent step towards the advancement of your career. So, it is crucial to be able to write a resume that will stand out from the rest of the applicants.As there are many resumes that are posted on the internet, people may think that they will not find any great service if they do not take a long time looking for it. However, there are ways through which you can get the best and most highly rated resume writing service online. It is always better to have your own resume which you can use and refer to others.You should search the w eb for professional resume-writing service. Try to determine the fact whether the service has been in existence for a very long time and have been successful in providing quality service.If the service is new, then it is likely that it is new in the area of internet marketing. This is because when you post your resume on the net, the truth of its validity and importance will be set in question. In case you want to have a higher rating on the internet, you need to look for companies that have a good history of providing good services.You can locate such services by going through the internet directories. Try to find a certain service that can provide quality services and is well known and established.For the purpose of staying ahead in a competitive business world, you can also opt for the services of a free website. You can choose the service that has been working for a while and has shown great commitment towards providing quality services.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Robots in the Workforce on the Rise

Robots in the Workforce on the Rise Beware: Robots may soon replace you or your manager. In fact, 38% of jobs in the U.S. have the potential to be replaced by robots in the next 15 years, according to a new report from consultancy firm PwC. In some industries, the robot revolution is already here. The Associated Press already employs robots to write stories, and major retailers have started using robots on store floors. Most alarming: Robots even have the capacity to take over managerial positions. About 50% of workers in electronics or high tech fields fear robots can replace them one day. Additionally, jobs in baking, airlines, retail, and medicine are susceptible to obtaining a robot workforce. All of this is bad news for workers, too â€" another new report says each robot costs roughly 6 human jobs. In order to stay relevant, humans should consider taking the role of robots a step further, one billionaire says. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has suggested that humans must find a way to merge with robots to become a kind of cyborg. “Over time I think we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence,” Musk said in February. Watch the video above to learn more about the current state of the robot revolution.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

3 Ways Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Make The Most Of Online Collaboration - Work It Daily

3 Ways Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Make The Most Of Online Collaboration - Work It Daily Being a successful leader today requires a much higher level of ‘people skills’ than ever before. Social media, online collaboration tools, and the age of transparency have made it vital leaders leverage a high level of emotional intelligence in order to be perceived as someone employees can trust and respect. Emotionally intelligent leaders share five qualities: Non-defensive and open in their communications. Aware of their emotions and how they affect their communication style. Sensitive to the emotions of their staff when communicating. Available to those that report to them. Able to put aside ego and encourage others to shine. That said, having the qualities listed above doesn’t guarantee success as a leader. Nowadays, leaders also have to know how to ensure their personal brand as a leader is being showcased properly. Leaders have approval ratings, both formal and informal. Which leads to the question: What can a leader do to increase their approval rating? Online Collaboration Tools = Opportunity To Showcase Your Leadership Style Leaders can use online collaboration tools, like Microsoft Teams, as a way to display their emotional intelligence more frequently and consistently to their staff. The stronger your online presence, the better the approval ratings. Here are three tips for leveraging online collaboration as a leader: 1. Show you value their efforts by responding quickly. The speed and efficiency of online collaboration tools can let you instant message (IM) staff with timely answers and feedback, enabling them to move forward with their work and get things done faster. It also tells employees you appreciate and respect their contributions. 2. Be generous with praise and shout-outs. Online collaboration tools offer the ability to deliver more compliments to teammates. Providing public praise for a job well done is a simple and effective way to show your team you’re grateful for their efforts. Online recognition is not only a powerful motivator, it’s free! 3. Make collaborating around a project with you easier. One of my personal favorite uses of Microsoft Teams is the ability to share a document with a group of stakeholders. The virtual collaboration is so much easier than in the cloud. The speed and efficiency makes the team feel more confident in our work and keeps them all informed and on the same page with my thoughts and objectives for the project. Micro-moments are the key to enhancing trust and respect for your leadership style. By leveraging the power of online collaboration tools, you can not only improve your approval rating, you can model the way you want your own team to communicate with one other. Ultimately, training them to be better future leaders as well. This post is sponsored by Microsoft Teams. Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!